Matthew Lovato

My Name is Matthew Lovato.

First and foremost, my favorite form of exercise is walking my three pugs. 

I have over a decade of experience in many different facets of the fitness industry, including corporate gym training and management, small studio management, group class and individual instruction.   My favorite part of my career has truly been the clients I have trained and grown with over the years. 

My mission is to make you a critical thinker when it comes to your exercise, diet, and lifestyle in general. I’m going to provide you with the tools you can use to make this a permanent change to look and feel better.

Matt has kept me motivated and pushed me to do things I never thought I could do.
— Kim, client since 2013

My interest in the human body began when I was a young man marveling at the physiques of action stars like; Bruce Lee and Jean Claude Van Damme. I had stacks of Leonardo DaVinci sketches that I would draw with meticulous detail until I had every muscle group memorized, before I lifted my first dumbbell.

When I turned 14, I made makeshift workout equipment from household options like; empty kegs, old tires and sledgehammers, and frayed ropes with rocks tied to the ends of them. It was like “Ninja Warrior” before it even existed! I was a creative kid, what can I say.

From there, I graduated to the conventional style of lifting weights, however, I really enjoyed yoga and practicing flexibility, which was not a popular decision amongst my teenage friends. 

As I grew older, I stayed curious. I wanted to learn everything I could about different training modalities; not just the popular or obvious ones.

I looked at learning training programs like I was adding tools to my tool belt.

The more I learned, the more I realized there is not one right training style and that you can take elements from each of these programs and adapt it to your own needs.

This curiosity to grow has served my clients well and has kept our training practice exciting and effective because we’re keeping the body as well as the mind in a constant state of learning.


Specializing in:

  • Resistance Training 

  • Mobility + Flexibility

  • Certified Personal Trainer

  • Certified Pilates Instructor

  • Certified Active Isolated Stretch Instructor

  • Certified Bulgarian Bag Instructor

  • Experienced Mixed Martial Artist

  • Experienced Distance Runner

  • Experienced Obstacle Course Runner 

